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We ship across Penang, straight to your doorstep! Check here for the areas we currently serve. If you have any additional questions, please contact us here.

Umummi is an online postpartum meal delivery service. We provide healthy and delicious postpartum meals, snacks and teas, prepared fresh by our chefs daily and delivered straight to your doorstep. We work hard 24/7, rain or shine, so you get to save your precious time and energy for the more important things - your health recovery and bonding with family. 

The meal plan at Umummi starts at RM3,299 for the 28-day plan and RM 1,699 for the 14-day plan. Please check our meal plan and pricing details here.

We pack the meals with care using ceramic bowls and insulated bags, to help keep the food warm while it’s being delivered. Every meal is prepared fresh on the day of delivery so it is safe for consumption after a quick reheat, even after a few hours. 

We also understand that you may not be at home when we deliver so we highly recommend recruiting the help of a friend, neighbour, or family member to properly store away the food until you’re ready to enjoy it.

The package will be left at your doorstep with no signature required. If you have any concerns about the delivery and handling of your meals, please contact us here.

First, check here to confirm if we are currently serving your area. Then, select your preferred meal plan here and checkout. You will be asked to provide an estimated service start date. If you still require help choosing the right meal plan, please contact us here and we’d be happy to help.

We understand that, as a new mom, you’ve got one of the hardest jobs in the world—so we are here to help you heal and feel your best after giving birth. Our postpartum meals are nutritionally designed to support your physical recovery, energy levels, hormonal balance, milk supply and quality, and mood.

Our postpartum meals include both plated food and soups which are more easily digestible to improve absorption of essential minerals and vitamins that the body needs after childbirth.
Fresh ingredients, the foundation of our meals, supply essential nutrients, lean protein, and collagen to help boost your energy, support and heal connective tissues, and improve body metabolism rate.

At Umummi, with over 20 years of experience caring for new moms, we are serious about supporting your journey in postpartum nourishment and wellness. Every meal we cook is made with thoughtfully sourced ingredients, prepared on the day of delivery and served to you fresh. We offer installment payments and free cancellation at any time. Check out our meal plan here.

All meals are made from scratch with the highest quality ingredients. All fresh produce and meat are thoughtfully sourced from the local farms.

Due to the limited capacities of our small team, we are currently unable to offer substitutions or customizations with our meal plans. Please contact us if absolutely needed and we will try our best to accommodate.

我们做到了免运费(首十公里)直接送到您的家门口,目前正在积极地扩张覆盖范围中,请在此处查看我们目前服务的区域。 如果您有任何其他问题,请在此处与我们联系。

Umummi 提供专业的产后送餐服务,每天新鲜现煮送到您家门口,您将收到您预订的产后调理膳食、甜汤和黑枣滋补茶。 我们将风雨无阻送餐,因此您可以有更多宝贵的时间和精力用于更重要的事情。

Ummummi 的配套是 28 天配套的起价为 3,299 令吉,14 天配套的起价为 1,699 令吉。请在此处查看我们的配套详细介绍和定价详情。

我们使用陶瓷碗和保温袋小心地包装您的膳食,以确保在配送路途中保持食物的温度。 每一餐都是即煮即送的,因此即使在几个小时后重新加热后也可以安全食用的。 
我们还了解,当我们送餐时您可能不在家,因此我们强烈建议您在朋友、邻居或家人的帮助下妥善存放食物。送餐司机会将月子餐包将放置在您家门口,您无需签收。 如果您对餐包的送达和处理有任何疑问,请在此处与我们联系。

首先,在此查看我们是否提供您的地区配送。 然后,在选择您首选的「产后调理配套」并结帐。 您将被要求提供预计开始配送的日期。 如果您在选择膳食配套需要帮助,请在此处与我们联系,我们很乐意为您提供帮助。

我们明白,作为一名新妈妈,您的工作是世界上最伟大的工作之一 —— 所以我们会竭尽所能帮助您康复到产前的最佳状态。我们的产后调理膳食营养丰富,旨在协助您的身体恢复并提高身体能量、平衡荷尔蒙、促进母乳分泌。


Umummi 拥有 20 多年照顾新妈妈的经验,我们将全程陪伴您的产后调理健康之旅。我们烹制的每样膳食。皆采用最优质的当地生鲜食材,在交货当天准备好并新鲜供应给您。我们随时提供分期付款和免费取消。在这里查看我们的用餐计划。


由于我们的烹饪团队规模较小,我们目前无法为我们的膳食配套提供替代或定制服务。 如果需要,请与我们联系,我们将尽力满足您的个人要求。